Task 1: Something interesting to share and discuss
Today I am inviting you to get acquinted with the section Culture in the British newspaper The Guardian . It contains a lot of interesting articles about different aspects of British culture as well as about those from around the world. What you need to do is as follows: 1. Look through a couple of articles in the Culture section and choose one that you found interesting. 2. Read it and then share the following information about it with your peers and me: a) The title b) The author c) The link to the article d) Why you have chosen it e) A brief explanation of somethng you learned from the article f) A couple of things you would like to learn about after reading it 3. Publish this information in your blog. 4. Read 2 posts your peers have written 5. Think of 3 questions you have after reading your peers' posts and share them in your peers' threads. Ask WH-questions and if necessary a question to clarify smth your peer has written about. Good...